Samuel’s Sunday Sermon

When Jesus was on the Earth, his disciples asked him “How can we know the way?” Every week, instead of attending Sunday school classes, Samuel takes me to each picture of Jesus throughout our church building and describes those pictures to me. He’ll say things like “Jesus is blessing his disciple!” Or “Jesus is getting baptized!” This is my favorite thing I get to do every week, however, it means I don’t get to attend some great Sunday school classes, all teaching sermons on kindness or love, or obedience. This week, we walked by a group of adults talking in the hallway, when Samuel stopped to point to a picture of Jesus. As he did so, all the adults stopped speaking and turned toward my son. Samuel, in his cherubic voice, pointed to a simple portrait of Jesus, and said “Just Jesus.” One of the adults looked at Samuel and said “all we need is Jesus?” Samuel gave them all a thumbs up and said “that’s right!” Then he walked through the crowd ...